What You Can Do

Don’t litter!

Unfortunately, littering has become a somewhat common practice in Jordan. Many of the formerly beautiful areas of the country are spoiled by litter that is strewn everywhere. There have been clean-up initiatives country-wide, but to keep Jordan clean, we all need to take responsibility and stop littering…

Why not litter?

It’s Ugly!

Appearances are one of litter’s most obvious impacts. Have you ever visited a beautiful area you once loved, only to find the appearance spoiled by food packaging, cigarette butts, and dirty diapers? It’s unsightly, it stinks, and it can ruin Jordan’s beautiful areas.

Human Health and Safety

Food, packaging, and other waste, when left to rot, can form a breeding ground for bacteria. Touch it, and you could get sick. It can also attract pests such as rodents and insects. In addition, some sharp materials like broken glass or metal can injure people who step on them.

Impact on Wildlife

Litter hurts animals –both on land, and in the sea. Animals can become poisoned when they eat it. Or they can die when they become entangled in plastic packaging By 2050, it is estimated that there will be more plastic in the ocean than fish. Do your part –dispose of your waste properly!

Polluting groundwater

Improperly managed waste can leach chemicals, which travel through the soil and contaminate the groundwater. As one of the most water-scarce countries in the world, Jordan cannot afford to spoil this precious resource!


Reducing, reusing, and recycling are a great way to manage your own waste responsibly. But how do you do it? Reducing means buying less, consuming less, and wasting less. When we reduce our consumption, we reduce our waste!


Start by examining what you are buying, and whether there is a more environmentally friendly alternative. Ask yourself: Is the item a part of something that you need to do, or want to do in your life? There are many things that we just don’t need. Chances are you don’t need a big truck with four-wheel drive, or a sports car. Buying one encourages production, wastes your resources and creates tonnes (literally!) of unnecessary waste. Make sure that what you consume matches what you actually need.

Here are some simple things you can do to reduce waste:

  • Use a water filter or buy the large reusable water jugs instead of smaller disposable jugs
  • Print on both sides of the paper to reduce paper waste
  • Avoid using disposable plates, spoons, cups, bags, and napkins.
  • Use a travel mug when you order a takeaway drink, and ask for a mug instead of a paper cup when you are staying at a restaurant.
  • While grocery shopping, ring a reusable bag –it’s easy and it can save money!
  • Avoid buying items that are over-packaged with foil, paper, and plastic. This excess packaging goes to waste.
  • Use cloth napkins instead of paper napkins.
  • Buy durable goods that have along warranty. They generally run longer and save landfill space.

Improperly managed waste can leach chemicals, which travel through the soil and contaminate the groundwater. As one of the most water-scarce countries in the world, Jordan cannot afford to spoil this precious resource!


Maybe you tend to hold on to things that are broken or that you don’t have a use for, just in case you find a use for them. Or perhaps you bargain hunt for used furniture or clothing –You are finding a new purpose or bringing new life to an item that would otherwise end up in the landfill. This is re-using-congratulations!

You can reuse items on your own, or even sell or donate so that others can use them.

Some easy things to re-use:

Old jars and pots

Old jars and pots are so versatile! You can use them to store kitchen items, to make pickles, or as glasses. They can also be used to store loose items together such as computer wires.


Old tires can be used to make garden furniture, or a tire-swing.

Waste paper

Waste paper can be used to make notes and sketches and can be recycled when you don’t need it any more.


Old newspapers can be used to pack items when you’re planning to move to another home or store old items.

Chemical-free wood

Used wood can be used as firewood or can be used in wood crafts.


Old and waste envelopes can be used by children to make short notes.


Items that can be donated to others include:

  • Old books: Your old books can be used by others or can be donated to schools and libraries.
  • Old clothes: Your unwanted clothes can be used by others, or can be donated to charity organizations.
  • Old electric equipment: Old electric equipment can be sold, given to someone in need, or donated to schools or NGOs so that they can use them. Apart from this, you can build a compost bin and reuse many waste items food waste, used tea bags. The waste then degrades and turns into com post that help your plants grow and shine.

Apart from this, you can build a compost bin and reuse many waste items food waste, used tea bags. The waste then degrades and turns into com post that help your plants grow and shine.



When we recycle something, it is transformed into a raw material that can be shaped into a new item. This is a more intensive process than re-using, but is still far better than sending something to the landfill! To recycle, we need to learn what products can be recycled. Currently in Jordan, recycling services are provided by a handful of different actors in different locations throughout the country. You can find service providers near you using our handy map

Right now in Jordan, recycling services are sparse. It is much easier to recycle if you live in a big city, than in some of the smaller villages. We hope that one day, recycling will be available to everyone in Jordan.

Some tips:

  • Learn more about recycling services near you using our handy map!
  • Speak with your service provider and find out what materials they accept. Keep a separate bin in your home for those materials and bring them to the service provider according to your schedule.
  • Buy products from market that are made up of recycled materials

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